Ohm Shanthi Oshaana

Ohm Shanthi Oshaana from Jude Anthany Joseph is a film that has some exaggerations and immaturity in its content. But with the humor in the treatment and also with the cunning extraction of the leading lady, this one is a good fun watch. The story is a woman centric one and the protagonist here is Pooja Mathew the… Continue reading Ohm Shanthi Oshaana


Its almost the same topic that we have seen in films like Thaniyavarthanam and even in Paithrukam where we can see a conflict between science and myths. Chayiliam explores the same subject through another perspective. A society that doesn’t question the rituals that drives them is the target here. The story is focusing on Gauri… Continue reading Chayiliam

London Bridge

Luxury and some scenery of London and its outskirts is rich in almost all frames of London Bridge. But the very necessary thing in a romantic drama is missing here; romance. With a robotic heroin spoiling the party, this comeback film of Anil C Menon is a disappointment. Vijay Das is a business man in… Continue reading London Bridge


An elegantly made charming film with abundant humor and sensible emotions. With perfect casting and sound visuals to enhance its quality, this movie from debutante director Abrid Shine is a pleasure ride. Comparing it with Lagaan is total rubbish; all I could sense was a distant similarity with Nagesh Kukunoor’s Iqbal. But by reinventing that basic thought the writers of the movie… Continue reading 1983

Mannar Mathai Speaking 2

After the disastrous outing of Geethaanjali (which took characters from the classic Manichithrathazhu) my hopes on Mannar Mathai Speaking 2 wasn’t that high. May be because of that I didn’t felt the movie as a boring one. The second part of Mannar Mathai Speaking (third one in the franchise) directed by Mamas is a watchable… Continue reading Mannar Mathai Speaking 2

Salala Mobiles

First of all a big thanks to Jacob Gregory for offering some moments of laughter with his natural facial expressions and voice modulation. If he was not there, Salala Mobiles would have easily became a tough competitor for Mohanlal’s Vamanapuram Bus route. Because in both films people are still searching for the reason why the… Continue reading Salala Mobiles

Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal

A wonderfully visualized promo song and a trailer that creates curiosity are the only positive things I can say about director Lal Jose’s latest experiment Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal. Ya, I used the term experiment, because Lal Jose has tried to create some variety in terms of making, but sadly it never really worked out the… Continue reading Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal

Oru Indian Pranayakadha

Calling Sathyan Anthikkad’s Oru Indian Pranayakadha as the director’s transformation into the so called new generation platform is not correct in my view. When you look at the structure of the script and the way characters have been planted in the story you will certainly feel that you are watching his movie even if they… Continue reading Oru Indian Pranayakadha

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