The Amazing Spider-Man 2

They have advertised it as Spider man’s greatest battle and expecting something huge from that caption might disappoint you. The most interesting part of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to me was its refreshingly new visualization to show us the spideys flight in between the huge buildings.

The story now has spider man doing his usual crime fighting. At the same time his old friend Harry comes in as the chief of OsCorp after his father’s demise. Meanwhile a scientist at OsCorp gets into an accident inside the company and they are covering their tracks in this incident. Harry who is now battling with the genetic disorder is in search for cure and the solution has something to do with Richard Parker. How things go and how it all ends up is what the movie all about. Ya I know. That was a messed up plot narration. Please forgive.

Film introduces a really cool (almost the iron man level) Spider man to us. That kind of gave me a hope that it’s going to be a totally interesting style of making. But after that coolness in the first 15 minutes, the film slips in to the usual spider man movie format that has this character complexities circling around girlfriend, friend and family. When you look at the whole plot, the relevance of electro (Jamie Foxx’s character) is also questionable. But the chances of you looking into these while watching the stuff is pretty less and that’s mainly because of the stunning visual effects. Zoom in, zoom out, ultra slow motion shots etc. are there in the visualization which really makes the whole scenario quite appealing.

The director was able to increase the cool quotient of the movie. And the eagerly waiting fans of the movie will get impressed by this elevation in treatment. The dialogues also helps the movie in gaining that kind of fun. To make things complicated for spider man, the script have created characters that are fillers with entertainment. Yes I am referring again to electro played by Jamie Foxx. The character still remains as a weapon that got stretched too much. The characters like Peter, Harry and Gwen has something to do in the film when you look at the final structure of the story but Electro looks like a nobody. The character deletion towards the climax was an attempt to give some intellectual uplift to the plot and I don’t really think people have taken this franchise beyond the fun level to cope with that idea. The star of the show is definitely the visual effects and they succeeded in giving a fresh feel in that. Hans Zimmer’s music definitely gives a boost to the movie.

On screen, there isn’t much complications in character portrayal. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone were good as the lead pair. Jamie Foxx was also good in his highly CGfied character. Dane DeHaan was the one who got the toughest character and he did his part nicely.

So The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a watchable fun film with a refreshingly cool Spiderman and stunning visual effects. The story side doesn’t go for anything different from the ancestors. The rating is 3/5 for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. There is no risk for sure.

Final Thoughts


Green: Recommended Content

Orange: The In-Between Ones

Red: Not Recommended


By Aswin Bharadwaj

Founder and editor of Lensmen Reviews.

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