
If you look at the filmography of Vijay Antony as an actor you can see that it was always the peculiarity of the theme of his films that managed to make them unique. With his latest film Yaman, Vijay Antony is trying to be the typical Tamil movie hero and on the whole it doesn’t really fit him. Made in the mould of the political – gangster thriller genre, Yaman isn’t surprising but is definitely lively because it manages to be a content driven thriller.  

Tamizh is the central protagonist of this movie. His father was a politician and he got killed in a political foul play. Soon after his birth he lost his mother too. The film Yaman shows us the growth of Tamizh from being a common man to becoming a powerful political leader through various political tactics.

One good thing about the film is that it isn’t justifying its main protagonist. There is a scene in the climax which shows how Karma will follow Tamizh too. While that positive is there to Yaman’s credit, the lack of surprise in the narrative affects the movie in being engaging. Films of similar backdrop have been happening in Tamil industry for a while now and Yaman can’t really break that pattern. You can easily guess what could be the next move. While the movie manages to move forward in an evenly fashion, the song and dance hero boosting becomes an annoyance.

Jeeva Shankar has tried to keep the atmosphere intense for the film. The moviebuff sneak peak scene happens in the earlier part of the film. Even though it might look attractive on screen, the necessity of such a build up becomes questionable while you watch the film. The hero worship elements in the film should have been removed. The political game play in the film is engaging but needed a little more surprise and grounded twists. Cinematography and edits are fine. The music wasn’t that good.

Vijay Antony is a restricted actor and trying to make him do the typical hero stuff is an injustice to his calibre. There is a bar song and a love song (shot abroad) in the film. In both those songs Vijay Antony is really struggling to have some sort of grace. In being Tamizh, he carried the attitude of the character neatly.  Mia has got a role that fortunately has some significance in the storyline. Thiagarajan looks good to be that experienced antagonist. The actor who played the role of the minister (cant find the name in Wiki as well) was also good.

Yaman is an average flick. Like I said, the fact that it doesn’t entirely endorse the hero gives it a cinematic boost. But with predictability and usual ingredients added to the narrative, this political thriller is only partially thrilling.

Rating: 2.5/5

Final Thoughts

With predictability and usual ingredients added to the narrative, this political thriller is only partially thrilling.


Green: Recommended Content

Orange: The In-Between Ones

Red: Not Recommended


Categorized as Review, Tamil

By Aswin Bharadwaj

Founder and editor of Lensmen Reviews.

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