After the charming story of a rock band in Rock On, director Abhishek Kapoor is back again with another deep rooted friendship story. This time it’s the best seller of acclaimed writer Chetan Bhagath, “The 3 Mistakes of My Life”. With some alteration and omissions from the book, Kai Po Che is indeed a pleasing… Continue reading Kai Po Che
Category: Review
A Good Day to Die hard
Die hard franchise was never supposed to be a practical film series, Its shear fantasy of physical fury on a scale that cannot be easily imagined. Well the new episode in the saga, A Good Day to Die hard doesn’t really disappoint its audience in that sense. You can easily sideline it by calling the… Continue reading A Good Day to Die hard
Ameerin Aadhi Bhagavan
The promos and trailers of director Ameer Sultan’s new movie Ameerin Aadhi Bhagavan were quite a letdown. But when you watch the film you will understand why the promising director presented it in such a manner. A typical and predictable first half and a surprise package in second half makes this movie an interesting watch.… Continue reading Ameerin Aadhi Bhagavan
David and Goliath
The general accusation of being immoral in his writings might have prompted actor- script writer Anoop Menon to reunite with Mr Rajeev Nath and make the movie David and Goliath. It is a less entertaining and bit enlightening story that has the fragrance of goodness throughout. But the problem for D and G is that… Continue reading David and Goliath
How often we get to see a film that scores for its uniqueness. Shutter from Joy Mathew is an absolutely brilliant piece of cinema that will make you realize that to make a commercially viable class movie; you just need expensive content and moderate budget. It is a movie that travels beyond the mere categorization… Continue reading Shutter
Asif Ali’s new movie Cowboy is an outdated thriller that fails to make the audience keep interested in the content. Amateurish content that lacks sense and reasoning makes this movie a forgettable watch. The required emotional bonding is missing and the usual cat and mouse game has been captured in a uninteresting way. The film… Continue reading Cowboy
The Desi Step Up in 3D format, choreographer Remo D’Souza’s second bollywood outing ABCD is targeted for the audience who are waiting to watch some quality dance performance. Using the buzz that some young energetic talents made over the years through various reality shows, UTV has produced a film that can be called as a… Continue reading ABCD
Murder 3
With the third edition of the Murder franchise, Vishesh films and debutant director Vishesh Bhatt have gone one more step closer in murdering the brand name. The entire story is built around an arguably silly element of a secret room in a big home. The poor and simple scripting makes the movie a typical Bhatt… Continue reading Murder 3