Aruvi directed by Arun Prabu Purushothaman is simultaneously socio-political, satiric and deeply emotional. Beginning the proceedings in the attire of a thriller, this movie changes its tone consistently and makes sure it has its viewer with it in that smooth transition. With no shades of typical eccentric comedy one sees in Tamil films, Aruvi is… Continue reading Aruvi
Category: Tamil
Up to date and articulated reviews of Tamil movies based on the quality of entertainment of each one. Visit here and decide which movie is going to make you feel worth spending your time and money.
One thing I can say with confidence is that after stopping the remaking business, Mohan Raja has managed to acquire this ability to create exciting antagonists. Velaikkaran from Mr. Raja is far from being perfect and at the same time has moments that could have been converted in to a more captivating experience. With this… Continue reading Velaikkaran
In a recent interview, Malayalam director Arun Kumar Aravind said he likes Pulp fiction a lot because of the editing possibilities of its narrative. Ulidavaru Kandanthe from Rakshit Shetty was apparently a similar experiment looking through the perspective of each person who was part of that particular story. At the end of the film, Rakshit… Continue reading Richie
Thiruttu Payale 2
Thiruttu Payale 2, the successor of Susi Ganeshan’s 2006 sleeper hit success Thiruttu payale has these weird interpretations of technological advancements by the director. In one scene the antagonist tells our hero that Switzerland now has data banks too and if he doesn’t renew his account frequently, the porn sites and other illegal websites will… Continue reading Thiruttu Payale 2
Vijay Antony films always used to be the average, above average films that had a peculiar theme. Even after being a very limited actor, the kind of success he achieved had a lot to do with these themes he chose. But over the years there was this inclination towards over the top heroics and Annadurai… Continue reading Annadurai
Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru
Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru is the second film of H Vinoth who earlier made the widely acclaimed Sathuranga Vettai. The film is conceived as a tribute to dedicated police officers who are relentless in achieving their mission. While the first half of the film has made considerable compromises in order to make it a commercially viable… Continue reading Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru
First of all let me say that I haven’t seen a movie in Tamil in the recent past where the actors who appear in really small roles have performed this good. I am talking about Aramm, the new movie starring Nayanthara in the lead role. It has been conceived as a bore well rescue mission… Continue reading Aramm
Tamil Cinema and Tamilnadu politics are pretty interconnected. The heroes there pitch their political stand through the character they play and that’s why we have seen many heroes playing the same old savior of the public kind of roles in all the main stream masala films. Mersal directed by Atlee also falls in the same… Continue reading Mersal