Kanyaka Talkies

It is a story that ultimately talks about disturbed lives that had some connection with an old theatre. Kanyaka Talkies isn’t a movie that tries to focus on the issues in the film exhibition area, it is an attempt to narrate some miseries along with some ironies in the backdrop of an old theatre.

Yakoob is a theatre owner in this old village who still releases movies using the ancient technology. The low running business hits a full stop and gives way to a church. The events that happens after the village gets this new church is the main discussion of Kanyaka Talkies.

The lust people have to see the privacy of others and the porno business that runs based on this is somewhat the agenda of the movie. Film shows two sides of this business in the form of a theatre owner and another in the form of a home nurse who aspired to be an actress. A treatment disagreement I felt was in structuring the second half of the script as a “haunting” one. The innocence and deliberately ethical nature of the priest wasn’t so convincing. Director K R Manoj has tried to incorporate certain sarcasms over the society’s incoherency. With the movie not lacking any quality issues (visually; an area were films like cr no 89 struggled) the content stays lively.

Direction doesn’t have this irritating level of drama which usually takes the movie away from the common audience’s perspective. The script somewhat manages to be engaging, but I wasn’t that impressed when they revealed the reason for the psychological issues of the priest. Dialogues were natural. Shehnad Jalal’s cinematography and Mahesh Narayanan’s edits have helped the movie in being visually engaging. If I am not wrong sync sound has been used and it was good.

Murali Gopi as the confused and more sensitive priest was good on screen. Lena has done a really good job in portraying the role of Ancy. After Steve Lopez , Alencier Lay gets a good role, a much better role in comparison to NSL. Supporting cast comprising of Sudheer Karamana, N.L Balakrishnan, Indrans, Sunil Sukhada, Krishnan Balakrishnan, Parvathy and the rest were convincing in their respective characters.

Overall Kanyaka Talkies is a good attempt. Except for that glitch in presenting the mental conflict, the movie has an interesting backdrop and story. The rating for the movie is 3/5.

Final Thoughts

Except for that glitch in presenting the mental conflict, the movie has an interesting backdrop and story.


Green: Recommended Content

Orange: The In-Between Ones

Red: Not Recommended


By Aswin Bharadwaj

Founder and editor of Lensmen Reviews.

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