Pacific Rim

pacific-rim-reviewOn a plot that can be considered as an amalgamation of Godzilla and Transformers, the latest venture from director Guillermo del Toro, Pacific Rim is an engaging sci-fi that scores mostly with its stunning second half set pieces. What it lacks is a perspective from a common man as it spends a huge time in an unfamiliar terrain of sea wars and machine training.

The plot here has the humanity facing the end from the underwater monsters Kaijus. The heavy attacks by them made the human race fight against them with huge robots known as Jaegers controlled by two pilots. On a particular situation the Jaegers were decommissioned by the authorities as they started to look ineffective. But Marshal Stacker forms an army with remaining Jaegers and also with the help of Russia and prepares to fight against the monsters. The movie ultimately is a fight between the two forces; with the Jaegers trying to close the portal once and for all and Kaijus trying to access the surface which is polluted and fit for their existence.

The first half of the movie isn’t that appealing as it tries to set up the backdrop in brisk pace. The movie really demanded some additional scripting in setting up that alarming scenario which the world was facing. The lack of that really made the movie a total fantasy where you only look for fun. But in spite of these drawbacks, the film manages to hit back strongly with some awesomely choreographed visual effects sequences. The pattern really has that typical style of treatment involving emotional connects, personal loses and all. But with all that history and scientific detailing they managed to create on screen, the movie manages to sneak in to that sensible zone.

In the performance side, there isn’t much for the actors to do in this largely CGI movie. Main protagonists such as Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba and Rinko Kikuchi have done their part neatly and the rest of the cast also doing their part with required emotions.

In the making, well the director has conceived the idea smartly and rendered it without many confrontations.  The script on the other hand takes time to put the audience in to that scene of alarm. As I mentioned earlier, the lack of common humanity in the script kind of makes the movie away from the scary side. It’s those things like detailing given to the Jaegers vs. Kaijus war history, the scientific reasoning that runs behind the chaos and that huge metal-machine wrestling which makes the movie enjoyable.  The cinematography is good. And setting up the whole thing in this total darkness wasn’t an impressive idea. Background scores needed some boosting.

Overall, the movie is definitely worth a watch for its visual spectacle and decent content. I am giving it a 3.5/5. Do watch it from a theater as the impact depends much on the 3D and that large screen feel. Iron Men saves the day!

Final Thoughts


Green: Recommended Content

Orange: The In-Between Ones

Red: Not Recommended


By Aswin Bharadwaj

Founder and editor of Lensmen Reviews.

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