Communist Pacha Adhava Appa Review | A Scattered and Ineffective Political Satire

Listening to sophisticated Malayalam dialogues in the Malappuram slang has a unique feel to its credit, and in my opinion, it really suits satires. The new Malayalam film Communist Pacha Adhava Appa, written by Ashif Kakkodi and directed by Shamim Moideen, is using this advantage of the dialect to pull off a political satire against… Continue reading Communist Pacha Adhava Appa Review | A Scattered and Ineffective Political Satire

Vishesham Review | A Feel-Good Movie With a Pertinent Theme That Deserved a Subtler Treatment

In today’s day and age, we all may have come across couples who are trying to conceive a baby through means of IVF and similar treatments. Sooraj Tom’s latest movie, Vishesham, which stars Anand Madhusoodanan and Chinnu Chandni, addresses various emotional battles through which such a couple goes. While the broader approach towards the theme… Continue reading Vishesham Review | A Feel-Good Movie With a Pertinent Theme That Deserved a Subtler Treatment

Mandakini Review | This Marriage Comedy Will Work if You Are Drunk as a Skunk

During the promotional interviews for his new film, Mandakini, actor-director Althaf Salim talked about how he is comfortable as an actor when there is space to improvise. Most of the acting gigs Althaf has done so far have not been annoying, as his soft-spoken counter dialogues only created laughter in the theaters. But in the case of Mandakini, the… Continue reading Mandakini Review | This Marriage Comedy Will Work if You Are Drunk as a Skunk