Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi’s latest directorial venture, Kadhalikka Neramillai, starring Nithya Menen and Ravi Mohan (He is no longer Jayam Ravi), is an interesting film that tries to talk about the thought process of the current generation about the concept of marriage, parenting, etc. Of late, we have seen a lot of Tamil films that are making… Continue reading Kadhalikka Neramillai Review | A Passable Modern-Day Relationship Tale With a Delightful Nithya Menen
Tag: Jayam Ravi
Brother Review | Dated Packaging Combined With Serial-Level Messaging
In his prime, director M Rajesh used to get it right in cracking that irreverent kind of humor through his movies. It was the signature humor that made him unique. But of late, he has been overdoing it, and the sheer lack of a proper story or the presence of a shitty story was making… Continue reading Brother Review | Dated Packaging Combined With Serial-Level Messaging
Siren Review | An Underwhelming Revenge Drama That Ends up Flat and Melodramatic
The latest Jayam Ravi film Siren, aka Siren 108, at its core, is a very basic revenge drama that tries to look unique by doing some restructuring. Directed by Antony Bhagyaraj, who previously co-wrote Viswasam, has actually made yet another father-daughter story. But the way Antony has constructed intrigue in the narrative has a familiar… Continue reading Siren Review | An Underwhelming Revenge Drama That Ends up Flat and Melodramatic
Iraivan Review | A Pretentious Whodunit That Mistakes Gore for Craft
Coherence is essential when it comes to thrillers, even if the supporting facts are over the top or nearly impossible. Iraivan, the new Jayam Ravi film directed by I Ahmed, feels like a psycho thriller that thinks the peripheral gore and pointless convolutions will make any basic concept an exceptional thriller. The obsession with blood… Continue reading Iraivan Review | A Pretentious Whodunit That Mistakes Gore for Craft
Agilan Review | An Incoherent Mess With a Bizarre Story
The introduction scene of the hero in the movie Agilan has him smuggling three containers with fake currency into a cargo ship. And you know what was painted on those containers? “FA-KE” along with serial numbers. I do appreciate fewer complexities in over-the-top action films, for sure. But this almost felt like an insult. N… Continue reading Agilan Review | An Incoherent Mess With a Bizarre Story
Ponniyin Selvan: I
For those of you who are absolutely alien to Ponniyin Selvan, let me tell you two things. The language of the movie is pretty hard, and the character pool is huge. I am saying this because I was unfortunate to see this movie with an audience who came for the film as if to watch… Continue reading Ponniyin Selvan: I
Politics have always been part of the Tamil film industry, and the heroes there have used their movies to show their political stand. The superstar movies and the controversies surrounding them always hinted at these stars’ possible entry into politics. So why am I talking about politics and Tamil movie heroes? Well, it’s because of… Continue reading Bhoomi
The one-liner concept of the idea of a guy waking up from coma after 16 years and not being able to cope with the technological advancement is indeed a fascinating thought. Comali, the new Jayam Ravi movie gave us a feeling that the movie is trying to explore that particular concept when its trailer released.… Continue reading Comali