Little Superman

One thing I can guarantee about director Vinayan’s new movie Little Superman is that it is not as hilarious as Dracula 2012. The ironical thing about this movie is that its targeted audience is children and the content has ridiculous amount of violence mixed with nonsense. With 3D effects poking on your eye balls, Little Superman is only worth yawning.

Wilson and Jennie is a happily married couple who has two children. Willy is their son and he is a smart boy. Wilson is a socially committed government official and his fight against corruption wasn’t that easy. He had to pay the price of his life in this battle. Little Superman basically focuses on the reaction Wilson’s son Willy against the people who destroyed his family.

I don’t know from where all Vinayan has scratched the ideas as the central protagonist is using his dreams to find out the answer for many mysteries. Apart from that small idea, there is nothing in the film that can be categorized as catchy. You have a very happy family attached to religion. Unnecessary jokes, very lame social preaching, used out ideas to present the antagonists and their activities, torturing drama and a weirdo climax that asks the kids not to do what they have seen after showing a nonsense revenge. The first one hour of the movie has too much of 3D effects and after that there isn’t any sort of effects. The deliberate attempt to feed the audience with 3D was irritating and if you are going in with your kid who may not have an idea about the content, he or she will laugh and get excited by seeing these.

Master Deni is okay as the central character. For a beginner it is an appreciable performance but the packaging of the character kind of takes away the credit for the performance. There are no notable performances in the star cast. Some actors are like robots and others are okay.

Direction is disappointing from the revolutionary director. Vinayan doesn’t have any intension to present something fresh in terms of storyline and the script is also clichéd with immature deviations. Dialogues are quite bizarre at occasions. Giving a gun to a child wasn’t a cool idea. About the visual effects, I can say that there is a considerable amount of increase in the quality when compared to his other Sci-Fi experiments, but still it looks bad. Edits, cinematography, music and background score are in this average/ below average zone.

Last year a theater owner who screened Dracula 2012 told me that, people are having a good laugh while watching the film. I don’t think Little Superman will be able to do that magic. The rating for Vinayan’s magnum opus is 1.5/5. Strictly for under 5.

Final Thoughts

Last year a theater owner who screened Dracula 2012 told me that, people are having a good laugh while watching the film. I don’t think Little Superman will be able to do that magic.


Green: Recommended Content

Orange: The In-Between Ones

Red: Not Recommended


By Aswin Bharadwaj

Founder and editor of Lensmen Reviews.

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