
The treatment of the movie Choked felt like it wants to shift the gears from third to fourth but never really got that clean stretch to make that shift. The new Anurag Kashyap movie will leave you wanting for more excitement in the tale. The build-up here is clever and it has multiple elements that… Continue reading Choked


Taking a very slim idea and converting it into an engaging film is a very exciting thing to witness as a viewer. That process sort of shows you the endless opportunities in making a movie. Kappela could have been easily a preachy film. But debutant director Muhammed Musthafa tries to give it that cinematic appeal… Continue reading Kappela


I won’t say Aanandam is strictly for those who have done engineering in the last decade or so. And when it comes to the maturity and treatment of the content, it is definitely better than Happy Days to which it got compared when the promos got released. Slightly inspired from the Zoya Akhthar – Farhan… Continue reading Aanandam